Boat Ramps

Cofferdam for Boat Ramp Construction

Boat Ramp Construction Methods

Are you looking to build a boat ramp for launching your watercraft? Whether you’re building a ramp for private or public use, you’ll need to plan your project carefully to ensure the structure is functional and safe. You’ll also have to consider several factors to ensure a successful outcome.

How Do You Intend to Use Your Boat Ramp?

Boats come in various shapes and sizes and serve many purposes. If you’re planning to use your ramp for a single, privately owned pleasure craft, you can create a custom ramp design that provides a precise fit. Conversely, if you need a ramp for several commercial fishing boats, it will likely require a more generic, multipurpose design and construction to provide flexibility.


You’ll have to acquire the appropriate permits before beginning your project’s construction phase. Boat ramp permit requirements vary in each location, so you’ll need to learn about the application process in your area. You should also prepare a detailed sketch of your project to submit with your application.

Water Depth

You’ll need to ensure that the water body where you intend to build the ramp is deep enough to accommodate the structure. As a rule, the water depth should be at least 3 feet at the end of the ramp during mean low water, which is the average low tide obtained during an extended observation period. A depth of 4 feet is even more desirable.


Boat ramp construction methods can include various materials. If you choose concrete, it should be at least 3,000-4,000 pounds per square inch (psi) and have an air entrainment rate of 4%-6%. At least 8 inches of crushed, compacted stone should be placed over the subgrade. If you use wood, it’s important to pressure treat it to prevent decay.

Water Intrusion Prevention

If you plan to construct your boat ramp at the site, you’ll need a reliable water removal method. A cofferdam will prevent water intrusion and allow you to create a safe, productive work environment. Cofferdams are easy to install, inflate and disassemble.

Water. Sometimes it’s where you don’t want it. Other times it’s not where you need it. Portadam’s engineered system offers temporary solutions to both problems.

Our cofferdam equipment enables contractors to responsibly perform their in-water work in a dry condition. Portadam’s system can also be an integral part of your floodfighting plan – having been validated by the US Army Corps. Additionally, our above-ground water storage systems provide custom sized, large capacity solutions for energy and industrial applications.

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We’ve been providing expert water management solutions since 1974. Discover how a cofferdam can add value to your boat ramp construction methods and enhance your project’s results.

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